How Much Money Do You Need To Buy A House?

How Much Money Do You Need To Buy A House?
by Jerome Foster - July 20, 2022

For first-time homebuyers, figuring out how much money you need to buy a house has always been challenging, but 2022 feels like a new level of aggravation. Budgeting can be downright frustrating with home prices reaching record highs and mortgage rates rising. 

Even while it's undoubtedly a seller's market, investing in a home is still a wise choice that can help you build a solid financial future. The main expenses involved in making homeownership a reality are listed below:

The breakdown of home purchase costs

It's crucial to estimate the three significant costs you'll have to pay in order to acquire a home when you weigh its price:

1. One-time payment

The down payment is the sum of money you are able to put toward the purchase of a house. You can reduce the amount of money you need to borrow by making a larger down payment. Additionally, greater down payments are preferred by lenders as they show a lesser chance of default.

In the end, determining your down payment requires considering the rest of your spending plan. You shouldn't intend to make your down payment with all of your money. As you try to pay for all your other required bills, you'll spread yourself too thin and become overextended.

2. Closing expenses

You must take other upfront costs into account in addition to the down payment. Closing expenses typically range from 2 to 5 percent of the principal balance of your mortgage loan. According to ClosingCorp, borrowers spent an average of $6,387 on closing fees and taxes in 2021. 

But closing fees differ greatly depending on where you're buying. For instance, although closing costs were just $2,102 in Missouri, they were over $30,000 on average in Washington, D.C., in 2021.

What exactly are the closing costs?

A variety of fees levied by your lender and other businesses involved in approving your loan and concluding the sale are included in closing costs:

  • The cost of the appraisal
  • Fee for credit reports
  • Initiation charge
  • Fee for applications
  • Fee for title search
  • Title protection
  • Fee for underwriting

3. Home loan repayment

It's important to consider how much the house will cost you each month, not only on closing day, when calculating how much money you need to buy it.

One of the most consistent continuous expenses is your monthly mortgage payment. To calculate how much you will pay each month, utilize a mortgage calculator. For instance, if you borrowed $240,000 and financed it with a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage at 5%, your monthly principal and interest payment would be $1,288.

What is insurance for mortgages?

If you put less than 20% down, your mortgage payment will probably include mortgage insurance in addition to the principal and interest. Mortgage insurance serves as a safeguard for the lender in the event that you are ever unable to repay the loan.

If you are interested in more articles like this, here’s one about the credit score you need to buy a house.

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